Warning: Power Amplifier on Steroids
800 watts and Counting
At 800 watts the NextGen 5 amplifier is borrowed from our reference models and rocks huge reservoirs of power and current. The 45% increase in power (previous version was 500 watts) is needed to deliver both the profound output levels needed for modern theatre, as well as to produce the deepest bass in a high end 2-channel system. This increase in power is necessitated by our development on the musical front of an all-new circuit termed PerfectFilter™ that balance both frequency extremes.
PerfectFilter performs two seemingly disparate qualities; extending the strong, even response of the extreme low end of bass frequencies while simultaneously opening up air and delicacy in the middle and high frequencies of one’s system. Additionally, we applied customized PureTheatre™ filters to allow S/812 to deliver the most awe-inspiring theatre effects ever offered in a classic REL.
Series S Line Array
Stacked for Ultimate Performance
In the real world, bass occurs with width, depth and height. By stacking up to three units per side (stereo or theatre main L-R speakers) the proper perspective and height of sonic events are illuminated. This elevates reproduction from conventional stereo or theatre to a floor-to-ceiling panoramic, full scale perspective of each sonic event. Reviewers are lining up to marvel at the transformation of music and film into the full-scale representation that REL Line Arrays uniquely deliver.