Hexmat Phono Record Isolator - Record Mat
HEXMAT Phono Record Isolator is the perfect isolation mat, lessening vibrations, improves tracking accuracy, enhances dynamics, impact and details.
It's the perfect upgrade to any turnable. Made with patented handmade technology, the "Yellow Bird" from HEXMAT is compatible with a wide range of turntables bringing out every notes and frequency range, even from old recordings.
The Yellow Bird Record Isolator is a clamping mechanism that separates the record from the vibrating mass it contacts and allows the vinyl to have its own damping properties. The sound extracted from the record is thus accurate, transients are strong, and notes are clear and free of harmonic distortion.
Using the HEXMAT record isolator, records appears to be almost floating.
The overall improvement effect on the sound has been described by many critics as the same as upgrading the turntable cartridge.